The cinematic streets of Śródmieście district
Warsaw is undoubtedly a cinematic city. However, there are streets especially liked by artists. We will take a look at the most filmed streets of Śródmieście.
We start the walk from Wallenberg Street visible in many comedies from the era of the People’s Republic of Poland. Scenes for “Miś” “(“Teddy bear”), “Brunet wieczorową porą” (“Brunet Will Call”) and the film “Nie lubię poniedziałku” (“I hate Monday”) were created here.
Going further towards the Old Town, through Grzybowski Square, we will find Próżna Street. This is where Jerzy Skolimowski shot “11 Minutes”. Ulica Próżna also attracted the creators of the film “Podatek od miłości” (“Taxing Love”).
Let’s go further to the intersection of Królewska and Marszałkowska Streets. Here let’s turn around again to look at Królewska Street towards Grzybowski Square. It was on this section of the street that the trams in the comedy “Miś” broke down, the failure of which contributed to the organization of the festival at Grzybowski Square.
We continue along Królewska Street towards the Old Town. Królewska Street can also be seen in the comedy “Kogel-mogel” and “Co mi zrobisz, jak mnie złapiesz?” (“What Will You Do When You Catch Me?”). Another street on our route is Kozia Street on which the scenes of the Oscar-winning “The Pianist” were filmed. It was also here that the shots for the films “Kurier” (“The Messenger”) and “Anatomia Zła” (“Anatomy of Evil”) were shot.
We end the walk at Mostowa Street, probably the most often filmed one among the mentioned streets. Films such as “Miasto 44” (“Warsaw ’44”), “Sztuka kochania. Historia Michaliny Wisłockiej” (“The Art of Loving. The Story of Michalina Wisłocka”), “Kamienie na Szaniec” (“Stones for the Rampart”), “Pan T.” (“Mr.T”) or “The Messenger”.
There is no shortage of similar film locations in the capital! So it’s worth looking at the city from a different perspective to discover it anew!