Cultural Trail of the Old Town’s Cellars

They are several hundred years and are the best-preserved fragments of the Old Town. They survived World War II and today they invite you to their cool interiors. Get to know the extraordinary history of the historical heart of Warsaw in the Heritage Interpretation Centre. You will see an exhibition about the enormity of wartime destruction and you will learn how the Warsaw Old Town was rebuilt. Take a look at the basement of the Warsaw Museum or the cellars of the Old Town Cultural Centre and check out what is happening at the Capital Centre for Cultural Education. The cellars are a good place to get out of the heat, or to escape the cold.

  • Museum of Warsaw, Rynek Starego Miasta 28/42
  • Heritage Interpretation Centre, ul. Brzozowa 11/13
  • Capital Centre for Cultural Education, ul. Jezuicka 4
  • Old Powder House SCEK, ul. Boleść 2
  • Old Town Cultural Centre, Rynek Starego Miasta 2
Pomieszczenie z ceglanymi ścianami. Na czarnym stole stoją białe makiety warszawskich budynków: Zamku Królewskiego, Archikatedry, Pałacu Kultury i Nauki. Przed nimi stoją dwie młode kobiety. Na dalszym planie stoi kobieta zwrócona w kierunku ściany.
Piwnice Muzeum Warszawy, fot. Warszawa