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Big City Life, a walk between Warsaw’s skyscrapers

Over the last few years, the vicinity of Rondo Daszyńskiego has become a business hub of Warsaw with numerous soaring skyscrapers and modern infrastructure. This workplace of thousands of Varsovians can surprise you with many interesting “gems” hidden between the buildings.

We start the walk from the Plac Europejski (European Square) with an illuminated sign in its central part: “I love Warsaw”, which will certainly attract the attention of lovers of commemorative photos.

Then we head along Łucka Street to the Norblin Factory Museum with exhibits spread throughout the complex. There you will find ready-made products, such as tableware elements manufactured in former factories, as well as authentic machines.

We are located in the Wola district, and while walking through its streets, you cannot forget about the wartime history of this district. One of the witnesses of historical events is the historic tenement house at 14 Waliców Street. During the war, it was inhabited by the poet Władysław Szlengel, and during the Warsaw Uprising there was a barricade there. On its side wall there is the famous “stone-and-what” mural.

The last point of our walk is “Room for the summer”. It is a summer, green pavilion, located at the foot of the Warsaw Rising Museum. There you can take part in numerous workshops, concerts and other cultural and recreational events.

Author of the proposed route and photos: Aleksandra Gaik-Nojszewska
Wewnętrzny dziedziniec Fabryki Norblina. Między dwoma białymi, piętrowymi budynkami stoliki restauracyjne z kolorowymi krzesłami. Pojedyncze zielone drzewka i kwiaty w doniczkach. Słoneczny dzień, lato.
Fabryka Norblina, fot. Aleksandra Gaik Nojszewska