Warsaw Rising Museum

A unique place that helps visitors understand contemporary Warsaw. This interactive museum commemorates the largest underground combat operation in German-occupied Europe during World War II. The 1944 Warsaw Uprising changed forever the face of the Polish capital.

The multimedia exhibition reflects the atmosphere of the Uprising, shows not only the military history of the 63 days of fighting and the everyday life of the civilian population, but also describes the post-war communist terror. Strolling along the granite pavement among the rubble of the destroyed capital, you will listen to the stories of the insurgents and see original exhibits from the uprising. You will understand how soldiers moving through the sewers felt and you will see a birds-eye view of the flattened city in the film City of Ruins.

You can also take a selfie with a faithful replica of a Liberator B-24J. Drops with equipment for those fighting in Warsaw were made from such planes.

At the heart of the museum is a steel monument that passes through all the floors of the building. Its walls are covered with the dates of each day of the uprising as well as bullet marks, and the sound of a beating heart that symbolises the life of Warsaw in 1944 comes from inside.

In Freedom Park next to the museum, pay attention to the Memorial Wall. Nearly 11,000 names of soldiers killed in the Uprising are engraved on it. Be sure to also pay attention to insurgent murals by well-known Polish artists on the “Wall of Art”.

Budynek, w części po lewej stronie ceglany, po prawej stronie zakończony wieżyczką, na której stoi maszt z białoczerwoną flagą. Przed budynkiem od lewej strony znajdują się maszty z pionowymi białoczerwonymi flagami oraz trawnik z kilkoma drzewkami. Za budynkiem widać wieżowiec.
Muzeum Powstania Warszawskiego, fot. Piotr Wierzbowski