Museum of Warsaw

What made Warsaw the city that it is and not another city? Who are and were its inhabitants? How did they live and how do they live now? You will learn this and much more by visiting the exhibition “Things of Warsaw”. The extraordinary history of the city is told by over 7,000 original objects, both works of art and everyday items.

The museum itself occupies 11 historic town houses. Inside, the original spatial layout, seventeenth-century wooden ceilings, details in the hallways and paintings have been preserved.

After an eventful walk, watch a film in the museum cinema. It is also worth visiting the viewpoint located on the fifth floor to look down on the Market Square and the Old Town.

Facilities for people with disabilities:

Kolorowe. trzypiętrowe kamienice z ozdobnymi fasadami. Na pierwszej od lewej pionowa, ciemnoniebieska wstęga z napisem MUZEUM WARSZAWY. Przed kamienicami na brukowanej powierzchni znajduje się ogródek ze złożonymi parasolkami.
Muzeum Warszawy, fot. Warszawa