Less known parts of Żoliborz district

We suggest starting a walk on Rydygiera Street, from where we head towards Stary Żoliborz. We pass the Monument to the Armed Action of the American Polish Diaspora at Grunwaldzki Square and turn into Wieniawskiego Street, where we pass a plaque commemorating the 19th-century poet Kazimierz Brodziński. At the end of the street is the Church of St. Stanisław Kostka, in which father Popiełuszko gave his sermons.

The next point is the Komedia Theater. To get to it, we come to Krasińskiego Street, turning left. The theater is located in the beautiful Żołnierzy Żywiciela Park. In the park there is a monument to the Home Army Soldiers, “Żywiciel” Area and a sculpture of a Woman with a Child by Alina Szapocznikow.

Next, we move towards Igor Newerle’s square, then turn into Potocka Street, where on the wall of the building at the intersection with Maria Kazimiera Street there is a mural commemorating David Bowie’s visit to Warsaw.

Then, we go to the Harcerska Poczta Polowa Park, where we can see a beautiful Warsaw Uprising Mural.

Author of the proposed route and photos: Natalia Marczak
Budynek Teatru Komedia w otoczeniu zieleni trawy i drzew, słoneczny dzień.
Mniej znany Żoliborz, fot. Natalia Marczak