In the footsteps of Stefan Kisielewski

A walk in the footsteps of Stefan Kisielewski, a famous journalist and composer. This year marks the 110th anniversary of his birth.

We start with a tenement house at 16 Szucha Avenue. It was here that he lived from 1961 until his death. The nearby “Rozdroże” bar was his favorite cafe (behind it is now his name square).

Point 2: the 41 Hoża Street tenement house. During the war there was a fitness club (dance school and gymnasium), and Kisiel accompanied the exercises.

Then we go to 16 Foksal Street – during the war there was a Literati Kitchen, a canteen for writers, where he met his future wife. Near (Okólnik 1) there was the Conservatory where he studied.

Then we go along the royal route to the corner of Krakowskie Przedmieście and Królewska Street. This was where Kisiel played the piano during the war. A few steps away he was wounded during the Warsaw Uprising.

We end our walk in Kanonia, where in March ’68 Kisiel was beaten by security officers after he gave a speech on the “dictatorship of the ignorant” on February 29.

Author of the proposed route and photos: Małgorzata Sopyło
Pięciopiętrowa kamienica przy alei Szucha 16, biała elewacja, słoneczny dzień.
Śladami Kisiela, fot. Małgorzata Spyło