Ford on the Vistula

Bródno (from Polish “bród” meaning “ford”) – my boyfriend grew up in this Warsaw district, getting to know its story, which I will tell you.

Grześ, because that’s his name, from an early age walked in the Bródnowski Forest, where previously there was a town called Bródno. In this place, in the 10th century, Warsaw was founded, which was commemorated with the monument “Here Warsaw began”, which can be seen at Malborska Street.

The next place is the square of Grzegorz Ciechowski – the singer of the band Republika. When visiting this place, you can relax on the promenade by the fountains.

Grześ watched the greenhouses called PGR Bródno (the communist era farms), where fruit and vegetables were grown. Currently, this place is called Folwark Bródno, where you can meet farm animals (donkeys, goats, rabbits, decorative hens, etc.) and buy plants.

A place famous throughout Europe is the Bródno Cemetery, which was established at the end of the 19th century, on its premises there is a wooden church of St. Vincent a Paulo. Among the famous people buried there is Mieczysław Fogg.

In the Bródnowski Park, known as the Sculpture Park, a 16-metre BRÓDNO sign was made of bricks and cement, reflecting the famous Hollywood sign.

At the end, I invite you to the Tea House with mirrored walls, listening every quarter to the melody coming from the tree branches.

Author of the route proposal and photos: Karolina Golan
Drewniany kościół, ze spadzistym dachem krytym gontem. Przed kościołem drzewo i płot z metalowych sztachet
Cmentarz Bródnowski, fot. Karolina Golan